Our Facility
2 Corpus Christi
The Professional Building, Suite 100
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928
Mailing Address
PO Box 5950, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938-5950
(843) 686.6560
For the use of our patrons we have:
High speed internet access
High speed laser printer and scanner
Access from the library location to popular paid online services: ancestry.com, HeritageQuest online, fold3.com, americanancesters.com, and more
Dedicated holdings area where we have our book stacks and other materials
Experienced voluntgeer genealogists to assist with research (appointments are recommended)
7 computers with high speed access to the internet and our server-based resources
ScanPro Microfilm Reader, scanner, and printer
5,000 volumes ranging in subject matter from ancestry research to published family histories, to state specific ancestry topics, to local, county and state history
Periodicals, vertical Files, microfilm, and more