Please Support the Heritage Library

Please help us keep history alive!

Your donation ensures that The Heritage Library will continue to help families discover new and exciting finds in their family history searches, present classes on ancestry research and local history, maintain and preserve Zion Chapel of Ease Cemetery and Ft. Mitchel, provide tours at historic sites, provide educational resources for students, teachers and parents, present special events, support partner organizations, continue to grow the Heirs Property Family Research Project, maintain and grow our collections and provide community outreach.

We are grateful for the support we have received since 1997 and humbly ask for your continued support. Our success and growth is a direct result of your support.

The parent organization is the Heritage Library Foundation, a 501(c)3 corporation. Donations made to it are tax-deductible under the rules and regulations established by the IRS. Your donations are gratefully accepted.

We also accept online donations to our Zion Capital Campaign.  Click below to donate directly to the Zion Fund at the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry.

The Heritage Library is staffed entirely by volunteers and supported by donations by history and genealogy buffs, and by grants from organizations that support our efforts.

Over and above our normal overhead, we often receive grants and donations earmarked for a specific purpose, such as extending our research into local records, or expanding specific sections of our library. 

Donations are often made in honor of, or in memory of, someone who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of history and genealogy.

Others include the Library in their estate plans. If you choose to do this, please call the Executive Director at 843-686-6560 to be added to the Heritage Library Legacy Society.

The parent organization is the Heritage Library Foundation, a 501(c)3 corporation. Donations made to it are fully tax-deductible. Your donations are gratefully accepted.

We also accept online donations to our Zion Capital Campaign.  Click below to donate directly to the Zion Fund at the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry.